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Looking for Antiques for sale near Norwich on eBay? Look no further - we have searched for items across eBay UK and the results are provided below...

eBay Listings nearest Norwich
Parkin silversmith 4 piece silver plated tea setParkin silversmith 4 piece silver plated tea set
Lalique opalescent Coquilles No. 1 large bowl 24cm. 2 x Coquille plates 7.75cmLalique opalescent Coquilles No. 1 large bowl 24cm. 2 x Coquille plates 7.75cm
Pair of Original Unrestored Copper Maritime  Port / Starboard Navigation LightsPair of Original Unrestored Copper Maritime Port / Starboard Navigation Lights
1940's Sweet, Bon Bon Dish Basket Floral  Kitsch Pottery Royal Falcon Ware1940's Sweet, Bon Bon Dish Basket Floral Kitsch Pottery Royal Falcon Ware
Asian Oriental vintage Japanese jar vase peacock flowerAsian Oriental vintage Japanese jar vase peacock flower
Vintage Barnett's NORWICH Street Plan c.1980s Catton Costessey Thorpe TaverhamVintage Barnett's NORWICH Street Plan c.1980s Catton Costessey Thorpe Taverham
Mid Century Knoll Leather SofaMid Century Knoll Leather Sofa
Vintage Ingvar Kamprad milking stool for HabitatVintage Ingvar Kamprad milking stool for Habitat
Vintage Art Deco narrow dropleaf table - console to full openVintage Art Deco narrow dropleaf table - console to full open
Antique pine chest of drawers - EdwardianAntique pine chest of drawers - Edwardian
Ceramic Tiles Set Fireplace or Framing 5 Tiles Floral 75cm x 15 cm New & Unused Ceramic Tiles Set Fireplace or Framing 5 Tiles Floral 75cm x 15 cm New & Unused
Antique / Vintage Presentation Gavel I.O.G.T (Int Org Good Templars)  JerusalemAntique / Vintage Presentation Gavel I.O.G.T (Int Org Good Templars) Jerusalem
Pair of Vintage Castors by REVVO - Made in England - industrialPair of Vintage Castors by REVVO - Made in England - industrial
Vintage PAULUHN Wall Light Copper Cage - lamp outdoors outsideVintage PAULUHN Wall Light Copper Cage - lamp outdoors outside
6 Vintage mahogany balloon back dining chairs6 Vintage mahogany balloon back dining chairs
Antique circa 1910 Mappin & Webb Silver Plated Wine Bottle HolderAntique circa 1910 Mappin & Webb Silver Plated Wine Bottle Holder
Victorian 4 Panel interior doors - from 1888 Victorian terrace - 3 available  Victorian 4 Panel interior doors - from 1888 Victorian terrace - 3 available
VINTAGE SIDE TABLECLOTH-25" x 25"-White-Pulled threadwork-VINTAGE SIDE TABLECLOTH-25" x 25"-White-Pulled threadwork-
Antique Cast Iron Judy from Punch & Judy Door StopAntique Cast Iron Judy from Punch & Judy Door Stop
Dinner ServiceDinner Service
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